Explore the Mendenhall Wetlands

Learn about what makes this over 5,200-acre wetlands complex so unique and important for Southeast Alaska and the Pacific Flyway.

What do the wetlands represent?

The Mendenhall Wetlands Global Important Bird Area, recognized for its significance by National Audubon Society in 2007
The Mendenhall Wetlands State Game Refuge, a public preserve protected by law by the State of Alaska in 1976
Taashuyee – Chookan.ani, Lingít for “river/tidal flats – grass lands”, 24 Mendenhall Wetlands properties conserved by the Southeast Alaska Land Trust

Where can I learn more?

USFWS: Glacial Rebound on Taashuyee (Mendenhall Wetlands)
ADF&G: Alaska Department of Fish and Game describes the area
YouTube: Conservation in the Wetlands
Juneau Nature: Richard Carstensen’s History and Future of the Mendenhall Wetlands
Pacific Birds Habitat Joint Venture: Alaska Focus & Priority Habitats in Coastal Wetlands

How can I visit this extraordinary place?

ADF&G: Public Access Points for the Refuge
Audubon Alaska: Airport Dike Trail stop along the Southeast Alaska Birding Trail
CBJ: Fish Creek Park
SEALT: Well-Known and Hidden Gems—Access Points onto Taashuyee-Chookan.ani
SEALT: Huizer Fishing Access Site
USFS: Mendenhall Glacier Trails
Juneau Audubon Society: A Starter Guide to Birding in Juneau, Alaska

Habitat Highlights:

KTOO highlights the study of Juneau’s “fish and wildlife factory”
Juneau Empire examines 1979-2023 updates to the Mendenhall Wetlands habitat maps
City & Borough of Juneau’s Fish Creek Estuary Master Plan
City & Borough of Juneau Scenic Viewshed Corridor Map (Comprehensive Plan, 2008)
City & Borough of Juneau Land Use Maps (Comprehensive Plan, 2013)

Honsinger Wetlands